Bunyip exhibition starts in the State Library as part of the Winter Arts Festival. It’s on until July 24th.
Mexican Film Festival, on the whole weekend at the Film and Television Institute of WA (in Freo).
The Amazing Human Body, an anatomical display of real human bodies at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre starts on Saturday and is on until July 16th.
Tim Minchin, a comedian, is performing at the Dolphin Theatre at UWA in Nedlands on Saturday and Sunday night. Tim Minchin won the Best Newcomers Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and the Festival Directors’ Award at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2005.
Tulip Planting at Araluen Botanic Park in Roleystone. On Saturday and Sunday you can volunteer to help with the annual tulip planting. You will get free entry into the park, and morning tea. The weather report is looking good (fine and about 20 degrees), so that would make it very enjoyable.
On Sunday you can also do some planting on the other side of Perth, at Whiteman Park, for the Children’s Forest Annual Planting Day. There will be a sausage sizzle and free entertainment. The Children’s Forest is in between the Village and Mussel Pool. See the map on the website.
Enjoy your weekend! We’re heading to Bunbury to help out my parents with renovations, so there may not be many postings…(they have a computer though…!).
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