Archive for the ‘site news’ Category
As part of many changes planned for EnjoyPerth, we have made a first step and moved the site to a new server hosted in Perth and you may have noticed the site is now at will continue to work, but you will be redirected to the new domain.
Thank you for your support, and if you have any questions or tips, or are interested in advertising on, please contact us.
To those who are linking to enjoyperth from your own website, we’d appreciate you updating your links! Thanks!
I’d like to wish you all a merry christmas and a fantastic 2008! Thank you for your support over the last year, whether it was reading, subscribing, commenting or submitting events.
Things will be a bit quiet around here for the next week or two, but regular posting will continue in the new year!
p.s. the photo is my dog next to the Albany Woollybush (a native christmas tree!) in our garden!
With a quick note to let you know I’m on holidays (visiting family) in The Netherlands at the moment (until the end of September), so I may occasionally be behind with some things….
If you notice anything missing, please don’t hesitate to submit it!
While I’m posting an ’off topic’ post, I will also let you know that you can join the EnjoyPerth Facembook group, become a friend of the EnjoyPerth myspace, and follow EnjoyPerth on Twitter.
When I started EnjoyPerth in May 2006, I hadn’t expected it to be such a success and time consumer! But with so many people subscribing and finding events through google, it really keeps me motivated! Thanks for all your support 🙂